In the real estate market there are different types of houses and it is not always easy to understand which is the solution that best suits your needs. Often, in fact, it happens to leaf through a furniture magazine and to be electrocuted by a fantastic apartment without taking into consideration that, for example, with a child on arrival, a mezzanine bedroom with a spiral staircase is not the emblem of practicality.
Let’s see some examples in detail…
Single-storey houses are a hymn to comfort for families with children or the elderly. Having no stairs, you can easily access all the rooms in the house and paying attention to the organization and arrangement of the rooms, a mother will be able to keep the little ones under control directly from the kitchen.
We must thank a Parisian architect if today the attics have become one of the most popular apartments especially among young people. They do not always enjoy large spaces and for this reason the most famous architects and designers always study new solutions capable of transforming exposed beams and pitched roofs into decorative elements. And what’s more beautiful than a window overlooking the sky above your bed?
The apartment is undoubtedly the most widespread type of house and, especially in large cities, it is also the only one in existence. In a condominium you are more confident and the sense of sharing and closeness increases, but we must not forget that it is necessary to pay close attention to the sharing of spaces and compliance with the regulations of the building. (Sometimes you also need a good dose of patience!)
The first to use the lofts as a home were the New York artists who in the 70s transformed industrial spaces into case-ateliers. To date, more and more architectural and furniture studios are involved in the recovery and transformation of sheds, warehouses and ex-warehouses into trendy apartments. Large interior spaces, few dividing walls and lots of light, these are the elements that characterize this living space.