In the proposal of DEF, Document of Economics and Finance, presented last September 30th, the entire package of tax incentives concerning buildings was extended, with particular reference to building renovation and energy upgrading of buildings. These measures, already present in the Budget Law for several years, are considered an excellent engine for the economy that revolves around the construction sector and a good system to bring out the undeclared.
The various Bonuses are in fact aimed at all those who, by doing jobs that fall within the cases subject to incentives, pay the invoice of the relevant supplier in the form of a traceable payment and, in some cases, with specific requirements such as, for example, the SEPA transfer. In this way, the beneficiaries of the bonuses have the incentive to request the invoice in order not to lose the advantages by reducing the black labor.
There is even a direct form of return of some bonuses directly from the supplier: in this case the invoice will be paid net of the tax bonus due and the entrepreneur will recover the amount not collected through a tax credit directly in the tax return. The incentives allow access to tax deductions which consist of real discounts on the tax due.
Restructuring Bonus
This is an incentive to which the tax payer is entitled in the event of conservative restoration and building renovation. The bonus consists of a deduction to be applied to the IRPEF payment due in the tax return. The extent of the deduction is equal to 50% of the expenditure incurred, appropriately documented by the invoices of the relevant suppliers and paid by a specific SEPA transfer. The maximum cost on which the deduction can be applied is € 96,000 for each property unit and can be recovered in 10 constant annual installments.
Green Bonus
This deduction is up to those who carry out interventions aimed at improving and increasing green spaces, both private and condominium. The interventions may concern gardens and balconies as well as the construction of irrigation wells. The extent of the deduction for the green bonus is equal to 36% of the sustained expense including the costs for the design. The spending limit is € 5,000 for each property unit and the installments useful for the recovery of the same are 10. To be able to take advantage of the Green Bonus it is necessary that payments are made with any tool that allows traceability: bank transfer, both bank and postal , credit card, etc.
Particular attention, also following the sad seismic events that have hit the country in recent years, has been set to encourage all those interventions aimed at improving the stability and safety of buildings from the seismic point of view. This is a bonus applicable for anti-seismic interventions carried out on buildings located throughout the national territory regardless of the seismic risk of the individual areas. The deduction is up to a minimum of 50% of the expense incurred for buildings located in areas with lower seismic risk to rise up to 80% in areas at greatest risk. The maximum ceiling is € 96,000 and the deduction is recoverable in 5 installments. A deduction is also provided in case of purchase of a reconstructed building following an earthquake, limited to the areas of the national territory at greatest seismic risk, with a recognized deduction up to 85% of the purchase cost, with a maximum limit of € 96,000.
This incentive is aimed at all tax payers who carry out interventions aimed at increasing the energy efficiency of the building. The deduction due can vary from 65% to 85% depending on the intervention that was carried out which may consist of improvements to the insulation, installation of solar panels for energy production, installation of plants with lower environmental impact for the winter heating, etc. The deduction is to be divided into 10 annual installments, with no expense limit.
Furniture and appliances bonus
Anyone who has carried out a restructuring can add, alongside the specific deduction, a bonus for the purchase of furniture and appliances. The amount of the deduction is 50% of the expense incurred with the limit of € 10,000. The furniture and appliances bonus is recovered in 10 constant annual installments. In this case, too, the payment must be traceable and then made by bank transfer or credit card.