When the unbearable heat arrives everyone is looking for the best solution to refresh their home. Of course the first thing you look at is consumption, we all want to spend as little as possible on electricity. To do this it is necessary to rely on innovative and efficient systems that are able to cool down with reduced consumption.
Before going into the specific analysis of the various air conditioning systems, let’s see which features should never be missing from a system of this type.
- Energy efficiency for reduced consumption
- Practical use
- Low noise
- Innovation
- Design
- Minimum emissions to safeguard the environment
Let’s see together six effective methods to cool the house.
When we talk about cooling off from the summer heat, we immediately think of the air conditioner. There are different types on the market, but the most effective are the “inverters”. In practice they keep the temperature always constant thanks to the “frequency modulation” avoiding turning off and turning on continuously; silent and easy to use they install without major interventions, and with the heat pump can also be used to heat. To work properly and not to consume much, the air conditioner must have the right power: let expert staff help you calculate the one that is right for your home. Before buying an air conditioner, look carefully at the label. In addition to consumption class A++ or higher, it also checks “SEER” for cooling and “SCOP” for heating: the higher they are, the more efficient the conditioner is. Always check the annual consumption and noise level.
It is an alternative cooling and heating system with very high performance and certainly ecological. It is powered by electricity and a generator transfers the heat of the air, earth or water directly to the home. Likewise, reversible models take internal heat by transferring it out. There are solutions able to satisfy medium-large houses, offices and even buildings.
It constitutes an interesting alternative to the usual air methods: it is able to guarantee climate comfort and energy saving, it works more or less like heating, but in this case the water inside the coils is about 15/18 °, the cold liquid absorbs the heat of the air lowering the temperature. Excellent system if a renovation is planned, the design should be done in a workmanlike manner if you don’t want to have problems.
Evaporative cooling uses a natural principle to make the air fresh. Unlike air conditioners, where refrigerant gas is used, this system uses water. The hot air sucked in passes through a wet filter that lowers the temperature. It is an ideal solution for open environments such as warehouses, where air exchange is constant. In a closed environment such as a house, instead, the filter water heats up and evaporates creating humidity in the air. This not only increases the sensation of heat that is perceived, but can also create mold and cause bacteria that are harmful to health. Therefore not recommended for the home.
When we talk about solar cooling we are referring to a type of cooling that is obtained with the heat that produces solar thermal energy which, combined with an “absorption” refrigeration system, can be used to cool rooms. In fact, the collectors collect energy and transfer it to the fluid that, flowing inside the refrigeration system, cools the water that is used to cool the rooms. At the moment, solar cooling is not widespread in Italy due to high costs, although in some cases tax deductions can be used.
Newly built houses use controlled mechanical ventilation, VMC. This system is used to filter the air we breathe in our homes every day, because even when airing a lot it remains rich in pollutants. In this way, instead, the air exchange is not only continuous, but it is introduced into the room by hot or cold filtered air. Thus, in addition to thermal problems, health problems caused by mold or bacteria are eliminated. If before there was the inconvenience of the exposed fillers, today there are innovative solutions that integrate the VMC in the fixtures to make it invisible.