When we are preparing to renovate an apartment, so that all the works can begin in compliance with the law, the technician entrusted with the assignment must submit the complete documentation including any requests, concessions or authorizations to be forwarded within the foreseen time, to the competent offices to the municipality. There are many acronyms and acronyms that indicate building practices, two out of all are those that specifically concern the renovations, the DIA and the SCIA.
The S.C.I.A. procedure
The S.C.I.A., the Certified Start of Activity Report, is regulated by art. 49, paragraph 4 bis, of the D.L. May 31, 2010.
The procedure is simple, the technician in charge submits the necessary documentation to the competent technical office, the project accompanied by a signed technical report in which he asserts that the planned works will comply with the urban planning tools and building regulations in force and that the interventions will be made in compliance with safety and sanitation standards. The report can be submitted to the One Stop Shop by registered mail, or where expressly requested electronically, in the latter case it will be submitted at the same time as it is received by the administration. At the same time as submitting the request, work can begin. The Municipality, however, has the right to stop the works within thirty days from the start of the construction site, if, by examining the documentation delivered, you find any discrepancies or technical or legal non-compliance.
Building interventions that require the presentation of the SCIA
- ordinary maintenance of the structural parts;
- restoration and conservation of the structural parts;
- building renovation, with the exception of those works for which a building permit is required.
However, there are variations to the P.D.C. (Building Permit) for which it is possible to submit the SCIA, namely:
- if the intervention does not affect the urban parameters and existing volumes;
- if the shape and facade of the building are not altered if this is constrained by the landscape;
- if the building category and intended use are not changed;
- if the works comply with the requirements contained in the PDC.
It is possible to use the SCIA once the works have been completed for those variants of the PDC in which there is no substantial variation, the only condition is that the interventions comply with the regulations and implementation procedures concerning landscape, environmental, hydrogeological, artistic and archaeological and historical heritage protection.
The D.I.A.
The Declaration of Commencement of Business dates back to Article 26 of Law 47 of 1985, but is actually governed by Articles 22 and 23 of the Consolidated Building Act of 2001. It was created with the aim of streamlining the practices relating to some construction projects.
The D.I.A. procedure
The presentation of the application is identical to that of the SCIA, a qualified technician will deposit the necessary documentation, project and signed report at the competent municipal office in which he asserts that the work will be done in accordance with the law and in compliance with the urban planning regulations in force and in compliance safety and sanitation regulations. The name of the company that will carry out the work must also be indicated. Once the application has been submitted and after thirty days the works can begin, during this time the municipality may request further additions if it considers the documentation incomplete or in some cases if not considered suitable it could suspend the request. Upon completion of the work, a test certificate is presented, drawn up by the construction manager which certifies the conformity of the work with the project presented.
Interventions that require the presentation of the DIA
The DIA was created to regulate the construction of internal works, but at a later time the scope of application was expanded, indicating the areas of application in the extraordinary maintenance, restructuring, restoration and restoration, but with the revision of the Consolidated Law in 2010 the DIA is completely replaced by SCIA and CILA.
The declaration of commencement of activity remains a feasible practice as an alternative to the Building Permit in the following cases:
- new construction or urban restructuring interventions governed by implementation plans;
- new construction interventions governed by urban plans with precise planivolumetric indications;
- restructuring interventions involving volumetric changes.