Last year, the restructuring bonus was extended until December 31, 2019, thanks to which it will still be possible to deduct 50% of the costs, dividing them into 10 quotas on an annual basis up to a maximum amount of € 96,000 total for each real estate unit (the reductions will be a maximum of € 48,000). A concrete and very important support for all those who intend to arrange their own apartment or house
The possibility of accessing deductions for interventions aimed at improving the energy efficiency of a residential structure through the most diversified solutions (internal and external coating system, heating system, etc.) was also always extended to 31 December 2019. A form of deduction that is equally divided into 10 annuities but which compared to previous years allows to deduct no more than 65% but 50% (for example for the replacement of the fixtures or for the installation of heating systems that exploit the most high performance condensing boilers or those fueled with biomass).
Ci sono buone notizie anche per chi sta pensando di acquistare mobili e grandi elettrodomestici (che devono essere di classe energetica almeno pari ad A+ oppure nel caso dei forni almeno A) con la proroga di un anno grazie alla quale si ottiene una detrazione Irpef pari al 50%. A tal proposito è opportuno ricordare che per ottenere il bonus mobili ed elettrodomestici è necessario che l’immobile da arredare sia soggetto a sua volta del bonus ristrutturazione.
There is also good news for those who are thinking of buying furniture and large appliances (which must be at least energy class A + or in the case of at least A) with the extension of one year thanks to which an Irpef deduction is obtained equal to 50%. In this regard it should be remembered that to obtain the furniture and household appliances bonus it is necessary that the building to be furnished is in turn subject to the restructuring bonus.
In addition, the news of the extension of the deduction of 39% of the so-called green bonus to carry out restructuring, irrigation and more generally care of green spaces not necessarily pertaining to villas or dependent houses was also confirmed.
To complete the speech, it is important to confirm the willingness of the President of the Senate Industry Committee to extend them directly until 2021 with the aim of allowing citizens to have a situation stabilized in the years to come.